Ph.D. by Research

Doctor of Philosophy (Applied Behavioral Science Research)

(Type 1.1)

To produce researchers, developers, and innovators who generate knowledge and innovation in behavioral science for the quality and sustainable development of individuals and society.

Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs)


Capable of synthesizing and analyzing concepts, theories, and research methodologies to apply and develop new knowledge in the behavioral and related sciences.


Capable of thoroughly evaluating and applying critical judgment to research in order to propose solutions to problems and encourage the growth of individuals and society.


Develop research and innovation in behavioral science with creativity by responding to the needs of organizations, societies, and nations in accordance with research ethics.


Be a leader in research and create a network of behavioral science research with government and private segments to address social issues.

Curriculum Details

Essential Information

The Curriculum name

  • Doctor of Philosophy Program in Applied Behavioral Science Research

Degree title and academic field

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. ) Applied Behavioral Science Research

Student qualifications

  1. Obtain a master’s degree or its equivalent in the field of thesis/thesis, whether Thai or foreign.
  2. Require at least one research experience following the completion of a master’s degree or have experience receiving research grants from national or international institutions. This could be a research project leader or a co-researcher.
  3. Publish articles not included in the Master’s thesis in national or international academic journals. This may be the name of the first author or the syndicate author. co-researcher or corresponding author
  4. Effective communication in both Thai and English
  5. In the case of graduation from the Master’s degree of Applied Behavioral Science Research. Qualifications 2. and 3. are not required for the academic year for which applications are being accepted, but applicants must have experience conducting research as a research associate during their course of study or co-researcher.
  6. Have general qualifications according to Srinakharinwirot University regulations regarding Graduate Studies, 2016 (Appendix A) [see]

Curriculum Structure

Subject categories Credits
A. Mandatory subjects
– Research Methodology subject group
– Behavioral Sciences subject group
B. Elective subjects (Minimum)
C. Thesis 48 Credits
Minimum in Total 48 Credits
The Doctor of Philosophy Program (Type 1.1) is a research-based, non-course-based curriculum. However, the plan for program activities is determined by the program committee. There are more details in Section 3.1.4


Assoc.Prof. Dr. Thasuk Junprasert
Head of Program Committee

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Narisara Peaungposop

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ungsinun Intarakamhang

Asst.Prof. Dr. Kanu Priya Mohan

Asst.Prof. Dr. Numchai Suppalerkchaisakul

Asst.Prof. Dr. Ponthep Poonpol

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Saran Pimthong

Asst.Prof. Dr. Sudarat Tuntivivat
Committee and Secretary

Miss Pichitra Thamsatit

Career After Graduation

  1. Professors in fields related to the explanation and development of individual and social behavior, including psychology, sociology, education, human resources and social development. human resource management behavioral economics, business anthropology, etc.
  2. Behavioral science innovators
  3. Project administrators in the private and public sectors
  4. Academicians and researchers in the public and private sectors
  5. Analyst and strategist in behavioral science policy in the public or private sectors
  6. Entrepreneurs in the private sector engaged in research and training, such as research companies, training companies, and personnel development, etc.

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